I am working on something that will run periodically to pull info from the dashboard API. I am using the AIO portion of the official python library to do this.
When querying for all organisations:
await meraki_client.organizations.getOrganizations()
this will work perfectly the first few times, but then at some point after the client starts up (and it's never the same, I can't reproduce this the same each time), it switches from successful to returning a 403 error and fails with a licence error. Once it does this it is unable to return a successful result until the client is restarted no matter how long it is left to run.
There is a single organisation with an expired licence, which is known about, and I was quite happy to leave it there so as to ensure I had something to test against that I knew wouldn't work (until now). Surely this endpoint should always return the list, providing perhaps at least one organisation has a valid licence? There are another 40 odd fully licenced orgs in the list.
I've tried lots of different wait times here too, ultimately this will run ~ once per day, right now for testing I've tried once a minute, every ten minutes and every hour. Always the same, but different, result.
Feels like a bug, anyone have any insight?
Edit: Forgot to mention I did find this post, but there's no answers there. Shows I am not the only one to experience this however.