Get organization licenses overview api call (Meraki Dashboard API)

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Get organization licenses overview api call (Meraki Dashboard API)

Hi all,


I'm having an issue with the get organization licenses overview API call from the Meraki Dashboard API.


When i run this call i get a result that looks like this. (data is obfuscated).

{'status': 'Trial Expires Soon', 'expirationDate': '<expdate>', 'licensedDeviceCounts': {<some devices>}}


The issue is that the license is not a trial.

The customer did have a trial license but that expired over a year ago, they have a new license that's still valid for several years.

The expiration date that is reported, is the expiration date of the new license.


I'm wondering if this is a bug, or if there's an explanation for it.


Also, does anyone know of an API call that actually lists the kind of license(s) that the customer has, without me having to do a trial and error approach by calling all 5 different api calls about licenses?

1 Accepted Solution
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

I don't have a subscription Org in my lab, but I do have co-term and PDL orgs and this endpoint displays the mode (model) each Org is in. Not sure if a subs Org shows as such. You'd have to test. 

View solution in original post

8 Replies 8
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi ,

I suppose that you have co-term licences ? If so , this would probably do the job :

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That's not the API call to use for co-term, that's the one for per-device-licenses.

Ex the error that i receive:

400 Bad Request, {'errors': ['Organization with ID <id> does not support per-device licensing']}

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Oops ! Copy paste error on my side. I meant to paste :

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Thanks for your effort. I know that one, that's one of the 5 that i use.

It is exclusive for co-term though.


It doesn't say for example that the customer has co-term, subscriptions or per-device licensing.



Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

I don't have a subscription Org in my lab, but I do have co-term and PDL orgs and this endpoint displays the mode (model) each Org is in. Not sure if a subs Org shows as such. You'd have to test. 

Just browsing

Thanks a bunch! This one does work for that. It looks undocumented. It's not implemented in the Meraki Dashboard API client that Cisco provides, but that's easily fixed.

As you guessed, the model field does indeed indicate the actual license type.

So now I can automate the query for the licenses without having to resort to trial/error runs over all API calls.


What is weird is that it produces the same nonsense for the expiration date though. I'm now assuming that something is bugged on Cisco's end and that we probably will need to create a support ticket for it.



Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Yeah I noticed it's not documented either. Might be an upcoming call or one that is bound to be removed/changed. So, I'd just say keep that in mind.


As for the expiration date is that only on the Org you mentioned having a trial or had a trial in the past? All my Orgs are reporting correctly with the call. The co-term ones at least. PDL doesn't show because there is no single expiration date. Not sure how a Sub Org would display.

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Thanks for your reply.

The Org had a trial in the past indeed. The API call is reporting the correct expiration date of the contract, but the status message indicates it's a trial that is about to expire, and basically that's what's throwing me off.


I can't tell for PDL, but for subscriptions the expiration date and the state are just wrong, therefore we assumed that for subscriptions the state/expiration date fields don't apply.


Of course we can assume the same for co-term, but then, what'd be the reason for the fields existing in the first place if it would never contain correct data for any type of license?

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