Has anyone else had the wireless loss endpoints stop working?
One of the orgs we manage has started either returning 404, but also sometimes returning some packet loss data before failing.
All still working on orgs.
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
I tested with curl and also the developer hub web pages, same problem.
All work fine for me. You're using api.meraki.com and not a specific shard nxxx.meraki.com? And you're an Org admin?
Yes to both.
These are scripts running on an org that have been scheduled monthly for many months. Other orgs, same scripts, no issue.
Fyi I did another test run about 90 minutes ago, then only one endpoint failed (by-client), suggests it is a transient issue with that shard/org.
Works fine for me too.
Do you feel comfortable mentioning the org ID here? Or would you prefer to open a support case?
Some other endpoints on the org had failures overnight, I haven't run any tests yet.
I'll message you the org ID.
It's an EU hosted org.
Currently, these three endpoints are failing every time I test...
...only on the affected org, the same scripts are running ok on other orgs.