Hi! I'm new to the Meraki API but I've been using many other API's before, so I believe I have a fair knowledge on how these should work. Currently I'm having these two problems - I hope someone could help me out.
Problem 1: The v1 documenatation seems to be very narrow or I'm looking at the wrong place. For starters, I can't find this functionality anywhere in the v1 documentation: https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api/#!get-network-sm-devices. Nevertheless I managed to get this list via v0, so no biggie.
Problem 2: This one I'm able to run this (https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api/#!get-network-sm-connectivity) in v0, but the lastSeenAt timestamps are either wrong or I'm interpreting them wrong. I have a bunch of devices and when I check the conncetivity stats, the latest lastSeenAt timestamps might be many hours or even days in the past. firstSeenAt timestamps are always 0.0. Am I doing something wrong or is there a problem here? I'm trying to have a almost real-time logging of device connectivity (because Dashboard only show 24h in the past).
I'd really appreciate some help here. Thanks!