Creating a Combined network and copying configuration from another network

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Creating a Combined network and copying configuration from another network



I'm trying to create a new Network, and copying configuration from an existing network, but I'm having problem with the network type. According to the documentation, the new network type has to be an exact match to the copyFromNetworkId type. Whatever I try, I get some variation if this error. 


<Response [400]>
{"errors":["Network type(s) of copyFromNetworkId ('cellular_gateway', 'switch', 'wired' or 'wireless') does not match new type(s) ('cellular_gateway', 'switch' or 'wireless')"]}



The copyFromNetworkId network I'm using (created from the dashboard using the option "combined") seems to have type 'wired' in the list. But wired is not a valid type in the API call to create a network. If I use it I get this message. 


 <Response [400]>
{"errors":["Invalid 'type': Must be one of 'wireless', 'appliance', 'switch', 'systemsManager', 'camera', 'cellularGateway' or 'environmental'"]}


Not sure what I am missing? How can I create a new combined network and copy parameters from an existing network?



1 Reply 1
Meraki Alumni (Retired)
Meraki Alumni (Retired)


I tried recreating your issue and it seems the body would need exact network types like of the previous network.

So for you 

This (cellular_gateway', 'switch', 'wired' or 'wireless') needs to match ('cellular_gateway', 'switch' or 'wireless')


Can you try adding the option "appliance" in your "productTypes" and see if you are able to create one.


Thank you

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