Hi there,
So, i have a organization, inside that organization i've created a network with no equipment (manually in the portal), but with some configuration. like an SSID name etc, just to do some testing.
Then I have a frontend system that searches for existing organization, and if there is a match, it checks if the network ID exsists. If the network ID does not exsist in the meraki portal, it gives you an option to create a new one, and clone the configuration from the network chosen.
Now, it creates the network, but the configuration on the new network is lost.
After some troubleshooting, I realised that it need to have the same excact products as the network iam trying to copy.
So, I created a function that checks what products the network i want to clone has first, and then uses the same products when creating the new network, but still, the configuration is lost.
Full Payload: { "name": "randomnetworkID", "timeZone": "Europe/Oslo", "notes": "Network created for organization somenumberhere", "copyFromNetworkId": "L_3702521000000000000", "productTypes": [ "appliance", "camera", "cellularGateway", "sensor", "switch", "wireless" ] }
Iam about to loose my mind, does anyone have some tips? I think it might still be related to the productTypes.
some screenshots;
Any help, much appreciated!