Add email to Alerts for WAN appliance down for 30 minutes on all Networks.

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Add email to Alerts for WAN appliance down for 30 minutes on all Networks.

I have 300 networks. I'm trying to write a python script to loop through every network and put an email address in for WAN appliance -> A WAN appliance goes offline for 30 minutes. I can't seem to get it to work.  I also had an AI write one and it got closers it seems but still doesn't work. I used this documentation.    I think I could have manually done this by now.  Any help much appreciated.  Latest is this...


import requests
import json


# Define your API key and base URL
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
base_url = ''
email_to_add = ''


# Define the headers
headers = {
'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key': api_key,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'


# Define the alert condition for gateway down


alert_settings = {
"defaultDestinations": {
"emails": [email_to_add],
"allAdmins": False,
"snmp": False
"alerts": [
"type": "gatewayDown",
"enabled": True,
"alertDestinations": {
"emails": [email_to_add],
"allAdmins": False,
"snmp": False
"alertCondition": {
"timeout": 30


# Fetch all networks in the organization



networks_response = requests.get(f'{base_url}/organizations/{org_id}/networks', headers=headers)
networks = networks_response.json()

# Loop through each network and update alert settings
for network in networks:
network_id = network['id']
alert_settings_endpoint = f'{base_url}/networks/{network_id}/alerts/settings'

# Fetch current alert settings for the network
current_settings_response = requests.get(alert_settings_endpoint, headers=headers)
current_settings = current_settings_response.json()

# Update with new alert settings
current_settings["defaultDestinations"] = alert_settings["defaultDestinations"]

# Ensure gateway down alert is set correctly
gateway_alert_exists = False
for alert in current_settings["alerts"]:
if alert["type"] == "gatewayDown":
alert["enabled"] = True
alert["alertDestinations"] = alert_settings["alerts"][0]["alertDestinations"]
if "alertCondition" in alert:
alert["alertCondition"]["timeout"] = alert_settings["alerts"][0]["alertCondition"]["timeout"]
alert["alertCondition"] = alert_settings["alerts"][0]["alertCondition"]
gateway_alert_exists = True

if not gateway_alert_exists:

# Update the alert settings
update_response = requests.put(alert_settings_endpoint, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(current_settings))

if update_response.status_code == 200:
print(f'Successfully updated alerts for network {network["name"]}')
print(f'Failed to update alerts for network {network["name"]}')
print(f'Status Code: {update_response.status_code}')
print(f'Response Text: {update_response.text}')
print(f'Request Data: {json.dumps(current_settings, indent=2)}')

print("Completed updating alerts for all networks.")


5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Can you post the error message you are getting please.

New here

I don't get an error message.  They all come back as successful. However, when I navigate to any of the network alerts page it hasn't changed.  Not check marked, still showing default 60 minutes. It does add the email to the top of the page. 

A model citizen

Can you post in a code block please, makes it easier to read.


Also have you tried the Meraki Python library? Might be easier, if you are able to install and use it.

New here

import requests
import json

# Define your API key and base URL
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
base_url = ''
email_to_add = ''

# Define the headers
headers = {
    'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key': api_key,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

# Define the alert condition for gateway down
alert_settings = {
    "defaultDestinations": {
        "emails": [email_to_add],
        "allAdmins": False,
        "snmp": False
    "alerts": [
            "type": "gatewayDown",
            "enabled": True,
            "alertDestinations": {
                "emails": [email_to_add],
                "allAdmins": False,
                "snmp": False
            "alertCondition": {
                "timeout": 30

# Fetch all networks in the organization
networks_response = requests.get(f'{base_url}/organizations/{org_id}/networks', headers=headers)
networks = networks_response.json()

# Loop through each network and update alert settings
for network in networks:
    network_id = network['id']
    alert_settings_endpoint = f'{base_url}/networks/{network_id}/alerts/settings'
    # Fetch current alert settings for the network
    current_settings_response = requests.get(alert_settings_endpoint, headers=headers)
    current_settings = current_settings_response.json()
    # Update with new alert settings
    current_settings["defaultDestinations"] = alert_settings["defaultDestinations"]
    # Ensure gateway down alert is set correctly
    gateway_alert_exists = False
    for alert in current_settings["alerts"]:
        if alert["type"] == "gatewayDown":
            alert["enabled"] = True
            alert["alertDestinations"] = alert_settings["alerts"][0]["alertDestinations"]
            if "alertCondition" in alert:
                alert["alertCondition"]["timeout"] = alert_settings["alerts"][0]["alertCondition"]["timeout"]
                alert["alertCondition"] = alert_settings["alerts"][0]["alertCondition"]
            gateway_alert_exists = True
    if not gateway_alert_exists:
    # Update the alert settings
    update_response = requests.put(alert_settings_endpoint, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(current_settings))
    if update_response.status_code == 200:
        print(f'Successfully updated alerts for network {network["name"]}')
        print(f'Failed to update alerts for network {network["name"]}')
        print(f'Status Code: {update_response.status_code}')
        print(f'Response Text: {update_response.text}')
        print(f'Request Data: {json.dumps(current_settings, indent=2)}')

print("Completed updating alerts for all networks.")
New here

I also Tried this, same thing. 



import requests
import json

# Define your API key and base URL
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
base_url = ''
email_to_add = ''
sms_number_to_add = '+15555555555'
http_server_id = 'aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20vd2ViaG9va3M='

# Define the headers
headers = {
    'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key': api_key,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

# Define the alert condition for WAN appliance offline
alert_settings = {
    "defaultDestinations": {
        "emails": [email_to_add],
        "smsNumbers": [sms_number_to_add],
        "allAdmins": False,
        "snmp": False,
        "httpServerIds": [http_server_id]
    "alerts": [
            "type": "applianceConnectivity",
            "enabled": True,
            "alertDestinations": {
                "emails": [email_to_add],
                "smsNumbers": [sms_number_to_add],
                "allAdmins": False,
                "snmp": False,
                "httpServerIds": [http_server_id]
            "alertCondition": {
                "timeout": 30

# Fetch all networks in the organization
networks_response = requests.get(f'{base_url}/organizations/{org_id}/networks', headers=headers)
networks = networks_response.json()

# Loop through each network and update alert settings
for network in networks:
    network_id = network['id']
    alert_settings_endpoint = f'{base_url}/networks/{network_id}/alerts/settings'
    # Fetch current alert settings for the network
    current_settings_response = requests.get(alert_settings_endpoint, headers=headers)
    current_settings = current_settings_response.json()
    # Update with new alert settings
    current_settings["defaultDestinations"] = alert_settings["defaultDestinations"]
    # Ensure appliance connectivity alert is set correctly
    appliance_alert_exists = False
    for alert in current_settings["alerts"]:
        if alert["type"] == "applianceConnectivity":
            alert["enabled"] = True
            alert["alertDestinations"] = alert_settings["alerts"][0]["alertDestinations"]
            alert["alertCondition"]["timeout"] = alert_settings["alerts"][0]["alertCondition"]["timeout"]
            appliance_alert_exists = True
    if not appliance_alert_exists:
    # Update the alert settings
    update_response = requests.put(alert_settings_endpoint, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(current_settings))
    if update_response.status_code == 200:
        print(f'Successfully updated alerts for network {network["name"]}')
        print(f'Failed to update alerts for network {network["name"]}')
        print(f'Status Code: {update_response.status_code}')
        print(f'Response Text: {update_response.text}')
        print(f'Request Data: {json.dumps(current_settings, indent=2)}')

print("Completed updating alerts for all networks.")
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