API to get video link which can be viewed by anyone without logging in

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API to get video link which can be viewed by anyone without logging in

Hi guys,

Is there any Meraki API that allows you to generate a link to get video from a particular camera, by specifying timestamps from where you need the video to start and end (atleast start time is needed). Anybody with this link should be able to view this video, without logging in.

I am aware of the /camera/videoLink API but in order to view the video, one has to log in to the portal.

Is there a similar API which doesn't require a log in? I am okay with the link expiring after some time.  

Is there any setting that I can change in my organisation so that the video becomes available to anyone with the link

- Sidharth

7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal

No, Dashboard/portal video access is subject to user authentication (except for the external live stream feature, but that isn't currently configurable via the API and is live only.)


One way might be to create a script, using the endpoint you mention, that would access the video link and download the clip to a file on a website that you control, from where it would be available to the unauthenticated user(s).


Otherwise you'd need to archive video on some external system that would give the control/access you are after.


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The /camera/videoLink API does not allow you to download the the clip. It takes you to the meraki dashboard/vision portal where you have to again log in in order to view the camera feed starting from the time mentioned in the query parameter. 

My use case is that I have a web app on which I need to show this live feed. I have tried RTSP, but I'm on DCHP so cannot rely on it completely

Kind of a big deal

What I am saying is that you could create a script that uses the API to get the link then logs into Dashboard and gets the clip, i.e. a scripted browser session. It's not simple though.


Oh you mean that way. Understood.

But will it cause any trouble later with Cisco for trying some sort of reverse engineered stuff?
One way I can think of is by inspecting the network tab and finding out the APIs but is that allowed

Kind of a big deal

Others have reported digging into Dashboard pages to use undocumented methods of accessing things. As long as you do not abuse it by driving a lot of activity I do not think there would be a problem.


The main issue is that if you use this technique, it can break at any time if Meraki make a change to the page or the behaviour of undocumented links.


Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

From the dashboard, when I do an export over a time range I end up with a link to an Amazon S3 location which requires no authentication to view.



I can't see an API for this, but hopefully there is something like that.


There is actually an API which is called when you click export. I found it by inspecting the network tab. My only worry is if it would be right to use the API that way, since it is undocumented. So does cisco want me to still use it? Also any future changes in the API will break my code

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