API inconsistencies between SwitchPortStatuses and LldpCdp

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

API inconsistencies between SwitchPortStatuses and LldpCdp

Hi ,


I find it a bit odd that a dedicated endpoint for LldpCdp doesn't provide all the raw info while a SwitchPortStatuses endpoint does provide it. 


I understand that LldpCdp also have to support MXs which may not show the raw cdp/lldp packet but it would have been way easier for us to provide the same info from both endpoint. ( More info = the better ) 


getDeviceSwitchPortsStatuse  on a MS355 ( irrelevant info was omited for simplicity )

         "platform":"Cisco ATA 187",
         "portId":"Port 1",
         "version":"ATA 9-2-3SR1-1",
         "capabilities":"Host, VoIP phone"
         "platform":"Cisco IP Phone 7945",
         "portId":"Port 1",
         "capabilities":"Host, VoIP phone, Two-port MAC relay"



getDeviceLldpCdp on a MS355

            "portId":"Port 1"
            "portId":"Port 1"


 For CDP , seems to be missing 'platform' , 'version' and 'capabilities' 



Thanks ! 

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