supervised iOS devices

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supervised iOS devices

I have taken over the mdm system and found no devices are set up as a supervised device, when i look in DEP 

there are no devices found, so i can manage some of the software but can't push IOS updates and other MDM commands that require this support.

How would i add the devices i have now in DEP  or make them supervised devices ?


I'm running windows 7 on my desktop.


Thank you 

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

The first thing to note is to make a device supervised requires that it be wiped.


You need the company that sold the Apple devices to you to DEP register them.  Failing that the only way to put them into supervised mode is to use Apple Configuration, which only runs on Apple Mac's.

Thank you i was kinda thinking that but was hoping for another answer.


Are the devices corporate owned or BYOD.


Apple is pretty strict on which way to go if BYOD; ie not supervised unless the end user is fully informed/consents to having a supervised (ie fully managed device)

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