I'd recommend speaking with your Account Manager or whomever you purchased the license from.
Typically the easiest thing to do, if you're within 30 days of purchasing, is to work with your supplier to return the license and purchase the correct one.
The only time Support (Ops) will swap a license is part of an RMA, which is not the case here. It's not a supported license conversion.
I'd recommend speaking with your Account Manager or whomever you purchased the license from.
Typically the easiest thing to do, if you're within 30 days of purchasing, is to work with your supplier to return the license and purchase the correct one.
The only time Support (Ops) will swap a license is part of an RMA, which is not the case here. It's not a supported license conversion.
Request a License Swap: Clearly explain the situation and provide proof of purchase, including the seller’s details and the original request for the MX67C license. Meraki Support is known for being flexible in such cases, especially if the hardware purchase was recent.
I have another question, Can I apply MR license to MR36 and MR44? The License Key doesn't mention if it is for MR36 or MR44. It's just says LIC-MR-xxx.