


Hello everyone,


I just made the CMNA and haven't done much with Meraki so far except Hardware exchange in a Server Room. That's because i am an Field Engineer and my work is more like on-site switch replacement than remote work. I hope althought that in the future this will change. Looking forward reading articles in  this community.

Fun fact about me .... ... i am one of these cracy people doing triathlon

2 Replies 2
Getting noticed

Welcome! I loved being a Field Engineer but it does limit you time on the keyboard. I'm guessing triathlons do too. 

Kind of a big deal

That's a nice ambition, and I'm sure you'll get there. Play around in the dashboard if you have the chance, and you'll get the hang of it quickly.


How crazy are you? Sprint triathlon, standard, half-ironman or ironman?

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