Product Feature Requests in the Community

Community Manager

We’ve seen a lot of Meraki product feature requests here in the community in the short time we’ve been live—we’re loving all the ideas and enthusiasm! As a community team, we wanted to clarify how we’ll handle requests that are posted here.


Rest assured, every post on this community is read by someone (or multiple people) on the community team. We make note of those that are feature requests, and we’ll be reviewing them with our product team on a regular basis—especially those that get a lot of traction from community members via kudos and discussion. That being said, we’re not able to respond to each idea individually, and we can’t make forward-looking statements about what is (or is not) on our roadmap.


Here are some recommendations for making your feature requests more visible to us, and as easy as possible for us to manage:

  • Post each request as a separate topic
  • Include the word "Wish" in the subject or body
  • If you find an idea you like, give it kudos!
  • Don’t post duplicate requests—search first, then post

The best places to submit feature requests are still (a) “Make a Wish” requests from your dashboard and (b) via your Meraki rep. Make a Wish requests go directly to the relevant engineering teams based on the Dashboard pages where the wishes are made, and hence are a great way to reach the people who can actually make the change (here's an explanation of the Make a Wish feature). Additionally, your Meraki rep can advocate on your behalf and add your request to our internal tracking system. You can make your wishes and discussions with your rep more powerful by mentioning the support you’ve seen for the idea in the community.


Your passion and ideas are an important part of the Meraki magic, so keep those wishes coming!

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