Meraki360 profile badges

Community Manager

Meraki’s Training & Evangelism team is pleased to announce that badges recognizing participation in Meraki360 are now visible on community profiles. Meraki360 is a hands-on full-stack training led by Meraki-authorized distributors.

Meraki360Badge.pngMeraki360 participant badge


Here’s an example: @IroncladTech has participated in Meraki360:

 Profile displaying a Meraki360 badgeProfile displaying a Meraki360 badge 

Hey, I attended Meraki360, but I don’t see a badge on my profile.

Uh-oh! The problem is likely that the email address you used for Meraki360 isn’t the same as your community email address, or, you attended Meraki360 after August 8, 2019. (Note: As of August 8, 2019, we are no longer awarding Meraki360 badges on the community). If you attended Meraki360 prior to August 8, 2019 and aren't seeing your badge, please email us at to get this sorted out.


What other badges are there?

Take a look at the master list of community badges.



Congratulations to all of our newly-badged Meraki360 participants!



Welcome to the Meraki Community!
To start contributing, simply sign in with your Cisco account. If you don't yet have a Cisco account, you can sign up.