UPDATE: The gnomes have been found! Well done to everyone who correctly guessed their location, and congrats to our randomly selected winner @DarrenOC🎉!
Thank you for helping to track down the missing gnomes! Those pesky little fellas are at it again, and I’ve been so preoccupied with preparing for Switchmas festivities, I haven’t had time to look for them myself.
After a night filled with trimming the tree and baking cookies, I settled in for a long winter’s nap. I was so exhausted, I must have slept right through their return! It seems they crept in some time during the night and snuck out again before morning. All they left behind were some tiny gnome footprints and this clue…
Can you help me solve the clue to uncover MV’s and Switch’s whereabouts?
Next, look for us in a post filled with holiday delight,
Hiding among themed inflatables that make quite a sight.
Their inflation and deflation has to be timed just right.
Can you guess where we are? You just might!
If you find them, please comment BELOW with “I FOUND THE GNOMES!” and a link to the post where they are beforeDecember 12th at 11am ET. We’ll then draw one at random from everyone who guesses the correct location to win your very own pair of Cisco Meraki Community gnome socks!
P.S. To follow along with the Gnome in the Home challenge all week, simply subscribe to the Community Announcements board. You can subscribe by clicking the "⋮ Options" menu at the top. From this menu, you can select "Subscribe" for email notifications.
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