Community platform change: Minor update to the navigation

Community Manager

It's just about spring (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least), and our community spring cleaning efforts have started!


Our first clean-up is a small change that impacts the navigation — we have grouped all product beta communities, interest groups, and invite-only programs into a single category, called "Groups". This is shown in the screenshot below.


Updated community navigation with a "Groups" categoryUpdated community navigation with a "Groups" category


This new grouping tidies up the list of items in the nav, especially if you're someone who has participated in a few betas or other programs.


Any feedback on this is welcomed; comment below.


P.S. We know the nav menu behaves a bit strangely when expanding the nav items — a fix is in the works!

Community Manager

Update: This is now called "Groups" instead of "Groups (Betas & Interest Groups)".


Kind of a big deal

I was thinking "Masochists", but I think your name is better on reflection.