Community Platform Update: Wider content!

Community Manager

We’ve received a lot of feedback that the content on the community doesn’t make good use of the available browser space. So, we’re making it wider!

Previously, the content within posts was constrained to a maximum of 600 pixels, following UX best practices of ~80 characters per line to make the content easily scannable.


BEFORE: The content is quite narrow at 600 pixelsBEFORE: The content is quite narrow at 600 pixels




Based on your feedback, we’ve expanded the maximum content width to 720 pixels - a 20% increase. Hopefully this will feel less awkwardly narrow, while still remaining readable.


AFTER: Less narrow!AFTER: Less narrow!



P.S. We also fixed some bugs with this release. For example, now you won’t see this odd layout on blogs on mobile:

"Views" & "Comments" were smushed! Not any more."Views" & "Comments" were smushed! Not any more.