[CONTEST ENDED] Yo, Ho! Talk Like a Pirate Day It Be

Community Manager



Update: This contest has ended. Thanks to all ye scallywags who entered, and congrats to our 3 randomly selected winners: @amyers2010@DanD, and @DanielWahlsten 🎉 as well as our fan favorite @Shubh3738 🎉


Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day me mateys!  🏴☠️🦜🏝 It be that time of yarrr already. 


Arrr, me hearties! We be bringin' back one o' yer favorite contests this month. Aye, ye heard right – Talk Like a Pirate Day be nearly upon us! Durin' the contest, we be askin' ye to give yer best impression of a pirate in a text post, picture, or video describin' a Meraki device. Eye patches, parrots, an' peg legs be heartily encouraged, ye scallywags!


Even the gnomes be gettin’ in on the fun! Here they arrr havin’ a jolly old time pretendin’ to be on the open seas:


pirate_gnome.pngpirate gnome2.png


In other words, to celebrate this most infamous day, we want to see your best pirate impersonation describing a Meraki device in pirate-speak. What trusty device steers yer network or shivers yer timbers? 


Share your description of a Meraki device in your most pirate-iest words in a comment or video on this post before 10:59am EDT September 23rd and be entered to win some sweet Meraki loot. Comments will be public  throughout the contest. Feel free to pepper in pirate terms (scurvy?), swap your You/Yours with Ye/Yers, and add ARRRG to absolutely everything. Once the contest ends, we’ll then select three winners at random to win their very own Meraki apron and spatula set. 


Meraki Apron and Utensil Set.png


We will also award one fan favorite prize to the post that receives the most kudos, so make sure to vote for your favorite submissions by clicking that kudos ⬆️ button. 


Let the fun begin, me mateys! Thar be treasure awaitin’ ye! 


Ye ol’ terms & conditions
  • Limit one entry per community member.
  • Submission period: Tuesday, September 10th, 2024 at 11am EDT through Monday, September 23rd, 2024 at 10:59am EDT
  • Prize will be a selection of Meraki swag with value not exceeding USD 50.00
  • Official terms, conditions, and eligibility information
Building a reputation

What does the pirate say when he turns 80?



Aye matey!

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Gert yerself a parrit and thar be ney need fur generative aye, matey!

Kind of a big deal

You would think a pirates favorite letter is R but its actually the C they love 💙🐚

Getting noticed

Deployin' apps faster than a cannonball's flight,
Updates be flyin' like cannon fire bright!
Keep yer crew armed, no scurvy dogs here,
With Meraki System Manager, ye’ve naught to fear, ARRRG!

This treasure be safer than gold on the isle,
With features so fierce, even Blackbeard would smile!
Yer data be guarded from landlubber's greed,
No plunderin' allowed, it’s the best kind o' creed, ARRRG!

So hoist up the anchors, set sail with great cheer,
With System Manager at helm, the course be quite clear!
Conquer the seas, let yer legend run wild,
The fiercest tech pirate, savvy and styled, ARRRG!
What a fine piece o' kit, ye’ll be beguiled!

Building a reputation

"Ahoy there, ye scallywags! Feast yer eyes on this magical box o’ wonders – the Meraki MX. Aye, she be a mighty fortress guardin’ yer network like a Kraken guardin' his treasure. Ye plug 'er in, an' she be whisperin' sweet nothin’s to the cloud, battlin' them scurvy hackers tryin' to board yer ship! No more runnin’ cables across the deck, nah – she’s as slick as a dolphin in calm seas!


An' what’s this? Aye, she’s got a built-in scallywag detector that keeps them sneaky landlubbers off yer bandwidth. It’s the kind o' device that makes a pirate say ARRRR in sheer amazement! Shiver me timbers, if it ain’t the finest bit o’ tech this side o’ the seven seas! So hoist 'er up in yer riggin', and sail smoothly into the sunset, knowin' yer network’s as safe as a treasure chest buried deep in the Isle o' the Dead."

Now, go forth an' tell the world o' the Meraki MX, ye sea-farin’ geniuses! Arrrr! 🦜





Comes here often

Arrr, matey! Let me tell ye 'bout Meraki, the finest treasure in the IT seas! 


With Meraki, ye can command yer network fleet from anywhere, managing switches, routers, and wireless points with ease. It be like havin’ a crew of IT buccaneers at yer service, keepin’ yer ship sailin’ smooth and safe from scallywags.


So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail with Meraki, where seamless connectivity and robust security await! Arrr!

New here


New here

"Peace on Our Sea!" say the two pirates saluting, clashing the two swords (Cisco & Meraki)  florinbizu_0-1726593367035.png 🙂


New here

Arrr, matey! That scallywag WiFi be stealin’ the treasure of the internet right from under our noses! We best be plotting a course to reclaim our digital booty, or we’ll be marooned in the sea of offline oblivion!

Comes here often

Shiver me switches! I thought I had the firewall set, but them pesky packets be boardin’ the network like sneaky pirates. Time to batten down the ACLs!

New here

Aye, you better be gettin' that there them Meraki Moisture Sensors down in ye ole' hold to detect for hull leaks and rum spills.



Arr! Ye wouldn't be downloading a car, would ye?

Comes here often

Yer Meraki firewalls be easy to set up and offer the strength o' a castle! Ther be simple to use, too.  Yer fine devices be built to stop any scurvy intruders from breachin' yer network, and dey do it better than any other contraption ye’ll find on the seas!"

Aye, I came fer the booty, but stayed fer the parley!

New here

Ahoy, matey! Gather ‘round and let me spin ye a yarn about the mystical Meraki Sensors. These be the enchanted devices that keep a vigilant eye on yer ship’s environment. They be monitorin’ temperature, humidity, and even detectin’ water leaks, so ye don’t end up with a soggy deck. With these trusty sensors, ye can sail the high seas with peace of mind, knowin’ yer vessel be safe and sound. Arrr! 


Ahoy, ye scurvy dogs! Heed these words, for they be the gospel truth, aye? This Meraki firewall, it be the crown jewel of all the products that have ever graced me barnacled hands, savvy? Aye, it keeps me safe as a sea slug in a shell, and fills me heart with more joy than a pirate with a chest of doubloons! Ye landlubbers best be takin' heed, for this Meraki be a treasure beyond measure, a guardian angel on the high seas of the digital world. Arrr, 'tis a wonder to behold, this Meraki, a true treasure that keeps me happy as a clam in its shell. Hoist the colors, me hearties, for Meraki be the answer to all a pirate's prayers!

Comes here often

Ahoy me mateys!

"Arr, I know plenty o' landlubbers who've ne'er sailed the seas!"

Comes here often

ARRRG YE READY!!!   Avast Ye Mateys!!!  “Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of Rum, with a shot of Meraki magic, the fun’s just begun!” 🎉


Ahoy, ye landlubbers and sea dogs alike! Gather 'round and lend an ear to the tale of the Meraki MX250, the grand galleon of yer networking armada!

The Meraki MX250: The Crown Jewel of the Network Seas

Ironclad Security
Arrr, this be no ordinary firewall! The MX250 be a true sea fortress, guardin’ yer precious data like a watchful sentinel at the helm. With its layers of security features, it keeps the scallywags and ne’er-do-wells at bay. Think of it as yer trusty cannon, blastin’ away any threat that dares approach yer network ship.


Swift as the Wind
With performance as brisk as a summer breeze, the MX250 be like the fastest schooner in the fleet. It handles yer data as swiftly as a jolly roger flappin' in the wind. No more gettin' bogged down by slow connections or choppy seas!


Cloud-based Command Center
The MX250's cloud manageability be like havin’ a spyglass that lets ye see across the seven seas. From any port in the world, ye can command yer network, adjust yer sails, and keep a sharp eye on all yer connections. It’s like havin’ a navigational chart that never gets lost!


Scalable as a Mighty Ship
Be yer crew small or large, the MX250 scales with the ease of a galleon addin' more sails. Whether ye be runnin' a modest brig or a vast fleet, this device handles yer needs with the grace of a sea breeze.


Reliable as the North Star
In the stormiest of gales, when the waves be high and the skies dark, the MX250 stands firm like the North Star guidin’ yer way. With its built-in redundancy, if one line gets tangled or cut, another takes the helm, keepin' yer network runnin’ smooth as a calm sea.


Rugged and Stalwart
Built to withstand the harshest of digital tempests, this device be as rugged as a pirate’s cutlass. It’s ready to brave the roughest of waters and come out victorious!


So, there ye have it, matey! The Meraki MX250 be the ultimate treasure for any captain lookin' to secure and command their digital domain. With it at yer side, ye'll navigate the cyber seas with the bravado of a true pirate lord. Hoist the sails and set course for smooth sailin’ with the Meraki MX250!


🏝Arrr, behold this mystical treasure, the Meraki MX security appliance! As sleek as a ship's hull and as powerful as a cannon broadside, it be the heart of the digital seas! It keeps ye network safe from scurvy data thieves, while steerin' the mighty vessel o’ connectivity with the precision of a seasoned captain! Aye, with Meraki devices on yer network, ye be master of the high-tech tides, ridin' the waves o' Wi-Fi with nary a drop o' lag! Hoist the signal and sail forth, ye scallywags 

Comes here often

I found the map, it shows the network starting with the MX Meraki. There is a choice to make, which switch? Arrr, take the least used one. There follow the traffic, Yo Ho, finally an MR and Wifi. Is the signal good? Continue to the treasure: Ahoy, matey! Found!!

Here to help

What connects the MAC address to the IP address?



Just browsing



Ahoy, mateys! Let's talk about the Meraki APs that be like beacons on a pirate's map, guidin' ye through the network seas. Imagine a floorplan, a digital pirate's chart, with these APs scattered like treasure chests.

Community Manager

Update: This contest has ended. Thanks to all ye scallywags who entered, and congrats to our 3 randomly selected winners: @amyers2010@DanD, and @DanielWahlsten 🎉 as well as our fan favorite @Shubh3738 🎉


Thanks everyone for participating! I loved all the piratey jokes you shared 😄

Building a reputation

@AmyReyes Could I please get the Meraki Pirates shown in the above image instead of the apron?"

Community Manager

@Shubh3738 I wish I could! that's a great idea for a future prize though.


There are a limited amount of gnomes, so we are saving them for something special, but I think we can find a contest to incorporate them into and offer them as a prize 🤔💡