[CLOSED] Share your favorite articles or new ideas for Meraki Documentation and win swag!

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

UPDATE: This contest has ended. A huge thanks to everyone who submitted their thoughts on documentation, we're excited to go through all of your feedback! Our two randomly selected winners are: @BAllen & @andrewperry, congratulations! 


Hi Community!


I'm Cameron, Knowledge Manager here at Meraki and I manage our documentation site.




The Meraki documentation site (documentation.meraki.com) includes hundreds of articles ranging from basic administration guides to deep dive troubleshooting tips for networking issues.


For this month’s challenge, I want to know your thoughts on one of these two questions: 


  1. If you had to pick the top 3 must-read articles on documentation.meraki.com, which would you select?
  2. What new content would you love to see added to our documentation?

How to enter

In a comment on this post, either list your top 3 documentation articles or provide your opinion about what new documentation content you’d like to see (or both) and be entered to win swag! Submit your thoughts in a comment on this blog post before 11 a.m. PST on Monday, February 17th (2/17/2020). We’ll then draw two at random to win an induction speaker! Your entries will be public and visible throughout the contest.




The fine print: