Reason for no vMX for private cloud

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Reason for no vMX for private cloud


Just wondering if there is a reason why there are no ESX/KVM/Hyper-V versions available of the vMX appliance.

There are alot of designs that fall apart because the client wants to use a cloud provider that is NOT AWS/Azure but rather a private ISP based cloud or Openstack based cloud.

And usually they use a bunch of MX'es at their sites using the MPLS link locally and trying to use an IPsec VPN because they can only use a pfSense at those cloud providers because of the lack of a vMX for private cloud.

Then we have to deal with manual procedures when a link goes down because IPsec only works on one link and it's only policy based instead of route based...  or asymmetric routing issues...

It would have been alot easier if a vMX would have been available so we can do AutoVPN SD-WAN to other clouds outside of AWS/Azure.

4 Replies 4

I think the main reason is the "Software Protection" aspect, but if Cisco and other providers are able to do it, it should be possible for meraki to release their appliance for it.


vMX for private Cloud would be a huge benefits for Cloud providers.


Meraki MX would make much more sense to deploy at branches, for customers in 100% Cloud mode.


For now, if you're a private cloud provider, you can only link on-premise Meraki MX to other Cisco/Sonicwall/Fortigate virtual appliances, loosing auto-vpn/SDWAN, plus-value.


You could use a physical MX cluster at the datacenter, but this use rack space, and you cannot use the potential of your high availability virtual infrastructure (especially for multi-tenant private cloud).


This is a really missing part for me, to be able to get the maximum value of the product and push it everywhere.




Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I see, so no real reason then.
I hope the Meraki dudes are reading this.

We have alot of customers that only have a few sites and are not on Azure but some local cloud provider which only allow virtual appliances so no rack space or anything because they then move the whole thing to another datacenter if an outage would happen.

New here

I just checking Meraki stuff out and while it looks nice for offices I'm facing similar problem for our datacenter, which is VmWare ESX based. Would be nice if there were a vMX for ESX also.

New here

Same question here.  We were planning on mandating Meraki at client locations, but given this news, I'm actually having to back-track and investigate alternatives to present to clients who want VMWare virtualized firewalls.  Kind of sucks since it was nice to have everything in one dashboard, but this really is a deal-breaker for exclusivity since it limits flexibility so much.

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