Feature Request for Catalyst monitored Switches - Event log

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Feature Request for Catalyst monitored Switches - Event log

Afternoon. I was wondering if it would be possible to request a feature which I don't think is currently available for catalyst monitored switches. Ideally I would like the log of the switch to be passed to the dashboard, so that we can review the logs within the event log of the switch in the dashboard. Please. 

3 Replies 3
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Good Afternoon, 


Yes, you can always provide your feedback via the Meraki dashboard which is the official way of providing feedback. 

Every page in the dashboard has a Give your feedback button located at the bottom right corner from there you can submit your feedback. 


I have also attached a kb that provides additional information about Give your feedback. 


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I've used the feedback button within the switch list page to make my request, as the actual button for use on the the switch page itself is obscured by the 'Help Centre' button:



Maybe make the help centre button moveable??

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

It could be possible that the browser's zoom is to high. Please try zooming out to make text smaller. 

If you continue to have issues even after zooming out. I recommend to open a support case with Meraki Technical Support. 

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