MG51 - 5G inactive

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MG51 - 5G inactive



I am testing MG51 with a 5G card and only get a 4G signal even though the provider told me that 5G is activated.

Any ideas how to solve this and why Meraki dashboard show 5G inactive (see screenshot)?


Used firmware: 3.0 (SRC) and 3.1 (Beta)


15 Replies 15
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hey @SteMeDi


Inactive means the MG either cannot attach to 5G, or there is not sufficient coverage. If you're in a good coverage area (e.g. a phone nearby is able to get 5G on the same carrier) please open a Support case so we can investigate.


We'll likely need DM logging from the MG which can be obtained from the local status page, as this helps us determine what's happening at a radio/modem level.

Comes here often

Im having a similar issue.




Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

What Carriers are you on? What is the 5G band you are trying to use in your respective areas?

Comes here often

Verizon....Ultra Wide Band

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

So that would be mmWave and C-Band, the MG51 does not support mmWave n257-n263, so that rules out mmWave.


I am going to assume the c-band is n77 given it's VZW?

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Vodafone Germany

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Let's get a case open @SteMeDi, support will have some information to collect to help isolate the issue.

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I am also having the same issue. I just got a replacement MG51 since the other wasn't seeing any signal. Now it shows just 4G and 5G Inactive. I am directly next to a 5G Node...I can see the black tower from from office....and it is still not connecting to 5G. Verizon is the wireless provider and they said everything is setup correctly on their end for 5G. It's a little frustrating because I had high hopes for this device to replace our old gateways from another vendor. Anyone come up with an answer?

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @Jacen , what 5G bands are available from the enodeb?

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Sorry but I am a novice at this. What is the enodeb and how do I find the bands available?

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hi @Jacen, the enodeb is essentially the tower/access of the RAN.  It's where and how your devices connect to the network.  What bands are available on that tower would be something you would likely have to touch base with your carrier on. You mention you are with Verizon, I would touch base with them to get clarification on what bands are available to you at that location.


VZW 5G C-Band is what Jacen needs to access. This is n77 and my understanding is that the MG51e doesn't support that as of now. The last I heard was that a firmware upgrade was scheduled to be completed in June, but trying to confirm. 


Verizon has been waiting for a firmware upgrade from Meraki for the MG51e in order to support Verizon's 5G C-Band network. (n77 band). 

The last I heard it was scheduled to be completed in June, but I haven't been able to confirm with Meraki. 

I just posted this exact question. 

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Just an update to this the firmware is under stable release candidate:

Cellular gateway firmware versions MG 3.101 changelog

New feature highlights

  • Enabled support for Verizon C-Band (N77) for the MG51/E
  • Introduced automated discovery for AIF Telecom

Thank you. 

I just received confirmation from one of my Cisco contacts a couple of days ago. 

This is very good news!

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