Cisco MG51E Cellular gateway

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Cisco MG51E Cellular gateway

I have recently purchased the Cisco MG51E cellular gateway. I was hoping to use it as our failover internet connection. Since inserting the SIM card, the ISP has told me that it is not communicating correctly. It is duplicating contact to the 4G network. The current configuration I have is it is plugged directly into our Palo Alto firewall. Will this work or do I need to get a device between the firewall and the gateway?

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Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

MG is a cellular gateway and can be configured in routed mode or passthrough. The default is routed mode and it operates as a simple NAT router. The WAN side is the cellular interface, the LAN side has a configurable subnet supporting DHCP and reservations. 


You would connect either of the MG LAN ports to a WAN interface on your PAN FW.


Is this MG showing online from dashboard? If not that issue needs to be resolved first. I'd recommend verifying the SIM is active and engage Meraki Support. 

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