So I have a site where we see a LOT of Challange failures.
But What do these cover ?

When looking at the "performance" of some of the clients that apparently has this issue, I mostly (only?) see "4-way handshake timeout" as an issue.
Is the 4-way handshake considered Association ? ( Since it is after the EAP exchange should this not be an Authentication problem ?)
Or am I missing something that the client does (or in this case does not, or fails) on association ?
Or could this be because the client had a valid authentication, and then at some point timed out, perhaps during "transit" where it might be in "sleepmode", and it then tried to associate to a new AP, and use that timedout session again ?
Another strange thing (different question).
Why do I see clients failures on 802.11r when it is not enabled on the SSID ?
That is just too strange / spooky for me, unless the clients are trying it, even though it is not enabled.
Do anyone know ?