11 11 2019
7:07 PM
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11 11 2019
7:07 PM
MXシリーズ ipv6対応について
11 12 2019
6:24 AM
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11 12 2019
6:24 AM
Sorry, I don't speak Japanese but I'll respond in English. IPv6 support on MX is very limited at the moment:
"Cisco Meraki security appliances can pass IPv6 traffic in pass-through mode, but no traffic analysis or manipulation is possible when using IPv6. At this time, IPv6 traffic cannot be routed or passed along a VPN tunnel."
To keep up-to-date about IPv6 support, subscribe to this topic:
11 14 2019
11:22 PM
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11 14 2019
11:22 PM
I understand.
Thank you!

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