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Meraki のMSとMRを大量に導入する場合で、Combined Networkで作成する時、Bulk Network Creatorは使うことができない認識です。


また、MSとMRのネットワークを分けて、Bulk Network Creatorを使って一括登録した後に、Combined Networkにネットワークを統合することはできますでしょうか。できる場合、やり方を教えていただきたいです。



If you are deploying a large number of Meraki MS and MR and creating them in a Combined Network, you will not be able to use the Bulk Network Creator.

In this case, is there an efficient way to register a large number of MS and MRs in the Meraki dashboard?

Also, is it possible to separate the MS and MR networks, register them in bulk using Bulk Network Creator, and then integrate the networks into the Combined Network? If so, please tell me how to do it.

Kind of a big deal

There are some documents that you might be interested in reading.


Building a Scalable Meraki Solution - Cisco Meraki Documentation


Using the Bulk Network Creation Tool - Cisco Meraki Documentation


Adding and Removing Devices from Dashboard Networks - Cisco Meraki Documentation

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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A model citizen

まずBulk Network Creatorのドキュメントに制約に併記する形で、


Using the Bulk Network Creation Tool - Cisco Meraki Documentation

Note: The bulk network creation tool can create one type of network (MX, MR, etc.) per use, combined networks cannot be created using this tool.
Once multiple network types have been created, they can then be combined.




Combined Dashboard Networks - Cisco Meraki Documentation

「How to Combine Networks」セクションを参照


操作方法としては、メニュー: Organization > Overview の画面から対象Networkを選んで統合 (Combine)になります。


他にはMeraki Dashboard APIを用いて、対象NetworkにDeviceを登録する方法もあります。

(もしAPIを継続的に利用するのであれば、スクリプトの実行環境の用意方法や、API Keyの取り扱いなどはチーム内で検討した方が良いかと存じます。)


Claim Network Devices - Meraki Dashboard API v1 - Cisco Meraki Developer Hub



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