Schedule MT40 power


Schedule MT40 power


i bought the new MT40. I need to scheduled device power hours. It's possible via dashboard? if not, is possible to power on or power off via API?



4 Replies 4
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Not currently but it should be something we are bringing as a feature in the future. 

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Schedule on/off for MT40 should be available in the Dashboard fairly soon (I can't provide a precise date though).   There's an API call available via Org >  Early Access   :

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Owch I was just looking into this as our insurance provider now requires any charging station to be powered down outside of business hours to reduce the risk of fires. 


I was looking at the MT20 but if management cannot be scheduled right now thats a pity. 

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

And, it's now supported with the MT1.6 or greater. And we have the demo environment for a gander. Check this out.


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