Hi there, to visualize the status of clients in a Meraki network a little application is cyclically (every 2 seconds) querying the API endpoint: BASE_URI/networks/NETWORK_ID/clients (https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api-latest/#!get-network-clients) The result is parsed and displayed in a simple GUI. Now I observed that the displayed status has significant delay (~minutes) to the actual status of a client. In our application, some clients go offline from time to time and have to be restarted by cycling the according switch port. The affected clients are responsive on the network again, long before the status display changes back to “Online”. The responses to the API calls come every 2 seconds without noticeable delay, but the content is changing with large delay. Since I am completely new to using the Meraki API I would be grateful for any hints to understand this behavior or to find a better approach to get “Realtime” updates of the network client status. Thanks!
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