Community Record
Jul 19 2023
2:04 PM
Hi There @Brogan, I noticed you had a case open with us on July 11th, have you been able to get the solution you were looking for? I see from my side your device is reporting to have "Content Filtering" for the device in question. Just wanted to check in to see if you needed any other assistance! Thanks, Mark
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Jul 14 2023
2:00 PM
Hi @leeeeleeo , You will have to contact Cisco Global Export Trade for this information, as Meraki does not host this. We work closely with Cisco to get these regulations in place. You may reach out to GET at Thanks, Mark
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Jul 14 2023
1:56 PM
Hi There, As both @Brash and @alemabrahao had mentioned, there are some things that can be changed within the Meraki Dashboard that can help with Client roaming concerns. To Start: Client Roaming, is in fact, a client decision. Meraki APs, and APs in general can only use protocols (such as 802.11w, 802.11r) to facilitate client roaming. With that baseline, you can follow a few things to make the experience much more enjoyable for your client's and their machines: As mentioned above disable 802.11w and 802.11r within the Wireless > Configure > Access Control, Under the Security section It is highly recommended while using "External DHCP server assigned" under Client IP and VLAN, to disable Layer 3 Roaming, there has been a known issue with frame and packet loss on MRs that affect most current Firmware versions Lastly, you can head to Wireless > Configure > Radio Settings > RF Profiles, then edit your in-use profile to disallow client balancing If you have any other questions regarding this response or how to complete any of the tasks, reach out to Meraki Support for further assistance. Thanks, Mark
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Jun 21 2023
10:46 AM
In response to a case that had been risen with Meraki Support, I will be providing a place to look as this may be a bigger issue for some MR networks as more schools may transition into iTopia RDP VM sessions for high powered apps. Overall, the problem was a black screen while RDP'd into the VM for an iTopia session. You are still able to operate some basic functions of the session, however the video encoder information shows blank. The fix and reasoning behind this issue on only Meraki APs - Make sure you have L3 Roaming disabled. As of now Meraki MR APs have a constant known issue with: Sporadic packet loss & instability on Layer 3 roaming & Teleworker VPN SSID's (Wi-Fi 5 Wave 2 and Wi-Fi 6 APs) This looks to be exponentially more apparent with STUN protocol data coming through the APs. tags: itopia, black screen rdp, stun, l3 roaming
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