Hello, All! I recently installed a MR36, which is connected to an MX64 at a small office that did not have wifi prior. Ever since we installed, there has been issues with our mac users connecting. Under untagged traffic, it alerts 5/5 DNS failures and under VLAN 110, it shows 5/5 DHCP failures, and 1/1 ARP failures. Checking the logs, it sometimes allows them to connect and shows healthy status, others it says either the DHCP server failed to respond, or that the DHCP is 166.166.x.x instead of the MX64. The confusing thing is, the public IP that the meraki is showing is not the correct IP. the correct public address starts with 206.83.x.x while the ip that shows the mac made a dhcp request to is 166.166.x.x Looking this public ip up, it shows that it is a verizon ip address. We havent had verizon there as the internet provider. I have copied other wifi profiles, as this doesn't happen anywhere else, changed the SSID, created a new profile from scratch, contacted support, etc. I've read that there is an issue with the mac address randomization that apple devices have, but the links that showed that as the issue, never offered any solutions. This hasn't happened at any other location, i am just lost on what to do next. We have a small meraki switch I am installing next week, but i don't believe that will fix it. Has anyone run into similar situations? Or could possibly help point me in the right direction? Thanks.
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