Hi, recently I tried to 'upgrade' MX Enterprise license (ENT) to Advanced Security (SEC). We have only one MX device. In my understanding, the remaining value of the Enterprise license will be converted to Advanced Security and will be added on the new Advanced Security license. If the remaining days of ENT is 2 years, it will be converted to 1 year of SEC. I purchased 3 years SEC so that our MX should get 4 years SEC license duration. However, it did not happen. The current situation is that two SEC licenses are attached to one MX. The first license will expire in 1 year (coverted from ENT). The second license will expire in 3 years. In short, the MX has only 3 years license duration instead of 4 years. I already opened the case with Meraki but the support agent is not helpful. The agent just repeats the current situation and does not show any solution. Is there anyone who had similar expericence and/or know how to solve this? Thanks.
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