Thanks @Inderdeep but I have not seen the article that you linked in your post, although setting up an individual appliance isn't a problem, it's making them a HA pair. This is where I was given this link, to configure them using GCP NCC, but alas, this is where the issues of routing seemed to happen, and it used a round-robin approach that seemed prevent the ssh from our on-prem network getting to an VMs, or rather, getting back after the connection was made (as we could see the incoming connection on the VM, but it never returned to the computer that was initiating the connection). Anyway, turns out that the cloud router, using Hub/spoke and relying on BGP wassn't going to work for us, so I have now implemented this by manually specifying two routes that are the same, but the next hop is the each of the meraki appliances, and it the first one fails, the route becomes unavailable and the second route takes over, tiny amount of down time (around 1 minute), and Ideally I'd like these to work with no interruption. SO any recommendations about that would be great. I think the big issue was nto having any control over hte priority of the BGP priority when they were put into the routing table! If you know a way to do that, then maybe I could try again!
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