Hello, We have around 176 cameras spread across site, all on a single VLAN. It's unusual for more than one operator to be accessing the camera feeds at any one time and they are all viewed by our CCTV software client, which is Genetec. We are experiencing quite a bit of tearing on the video feed and dropped packets. This is according to the CCTV client. I don't know enough about the CCTV software to understand why this might be happening but the support company is saying that we need to enable Multicast for the CCTV VLAN/Cameras. My understanding of multicast in this situation is that it's only really required if more than one operator is accessing the same feed. Does anyone have any experience of this that can help? The VLAN should support multicast but in doing so do I risk performance on other VLAN's if I don't enable multicast routing? Finally, is there something special I need to do for the VLAN/Ports to enable multicast or is it enabled and useable "out of the box"?
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