Hello Phillip. With the help of a colleague who knew python we made this code and it worked perfectly. just download the .csv in this path All the network>All the network>All the network and with that file we load the users info. import requests import pandas as pd import json excel_file_path = 'meraki_network_guests.xlsx' #Ruta donde se encuentra el archivo excel# url = "https://api.meraki.com/api/v1/networks/IDNEtwork/merakiAuthUsers" df = pd.read_excel(excel_file_path) payload = ''' { "accountType": "802.1X", "email": "", "name": "", "password": "", "emailPasswordToUser": true, "isAdmin": false, "authorizations": [ { "ssidNumber": number of ssid, "expiresAt": "Never" } ] } ''' for index, row in df.iterrows(): data = json.loads(payload) data["email"] = row['email'] data["name"] = row['name'] data["password"] = row['password'] headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer HERE KEY", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json" } response = requests.request('POST', url, headers=headers, data = json.dumps(data)) print(response.text.encode('utf8'))
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