First time playing with VOIP and here it goes. Background - MX to MX sites will be pushing VOIP over the Meraki VPN here soon, they are currently going over the MPLS to locations in another State, just inter-site phone calls and some server to server communications. Priority is marked at the phone. Locations have 10Mbps connections. All Devices operation in full mesh, there will be 5 locations. I’m currently stuck on how to set Traffic Shaping properly. I’ve read through Cisco’s documentation, but it does not answer all my questions. More to the point, this sentence: “Each traffic rule supersedes each rule below it and the rules below it must strictly adhere to their fractional bandwidth limits.” So thinking if I just want VOIP to be highest priority as it’s own rule(Rule #1) as high priority. A 100Mbps is 4/7th reserved for that rule, or ~57Mbps…for just voice if only one rule. So I figure I need to add service/applications/ports here to balance that out. Or.. I start thinking about putting it as Low Priority 1/7 as Rule #1 ( = 14Mbps), much better for our need per: Cisco’s Example Assuming 7Mbps up/down: Case 1: With 2 high priority rules each get 2Mbps for a total of 4Mbps With 2 normal priority rules each get 1Mbps for a total of 2Mbps With 2 low priority rules each get .5Mbps for a total of 1 Mbps What about another case calling the rule supercedence and adjusting priority levels(priority “guarantees a certain fraction of the uplink to each priority level”, is not QoS. Rule 1 – Low priority – 1/7 - Voice - 1Mbps for Voip (There is existing QoS coming from the phone) Rule 2 – High Priority – 4/7 RDP/VNC... – 2Mbps for each. Rule 3 – Normal Priority – 1/7 Misc Video …ext – March madness controls... It seems like I should stick to assigning High/Medium/Low as Rule 1 – 3, respectively. Add services accordingly to each. By now I hope you can spot I seem to be missing some fundamental point that I cannot see, but I can’t pinpoint what it is. I also do not know why they each get a fraction, but I can configure a plethora or rules with those factions. Priority seems to be a misnomer here and is part of my uncertainty. The best website I have found to help is below, but they stick to the High/Med/Low configuration as shown in cisco examples: EDIT: I've marked solution and am sticking with 3 rules in order of High/Medium/Low.
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