I tried creating a new 5GHZ only SSID and still same results today I got these errors with dropped calls I literally just got on site and tried making one call 5GHZDHCP Client made a request to the DHCP server, but it did not respond.type='NO DHCP response' associated='true' radio='1' vap='6' 5GHZDHCP Client made a request to the DHCP server, but it did not respond.type='NO DHCP response' associated='true' radio='1' vap='6' 5GHZAuthentication Client failed during the authentication step.type='WPA-PSK auth fail' associated='true' radio='1' vap='6' 5GHZAssociation Client attempted to associate 4 times on the 5 GHz band.type='Association attempts' num='4' associated='true' radio='1' vap='6' 5GHZDNS Client made a request to the DNS server, but it did not respond.type='NO DNS response' associated='true' radio='1' vap='6'
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