Yes, previously I had the MXs directly-connected as Meraki documentation seems to be best practice. However then I had other problems: when disconnecting any switches primary uplink (port 25) the switch and clients behind it lost connection to internet. What I found weird was that the root switch had one port in STP-blocking state which should not happen on a root switch (all ports should be deisgnated-forwarding, unless a loop exists). Googling around I found out that MXs do not participate in spanning tree, thus the MXs caused a spanning tree loop which causes the root switch to block one of its ports. I see that as bad design and suspected that it could cause problems (although spanning tree was working, loops were blocked). After removing the direct-link between MXs the problem was solved- root switch had both it's ports designated-forwarding and no more problems when removing a switch's primary uplink. The problem of removing MX250-Primary's WAN1 uplink existed in both cases- directly connected and network-connected design. Actually I have 5 switches connected to MX firewalls via 10Gbit links (all trunks with same VLANs), so the directly connected link actually achieves nothing (most likely at least one of five switches has both uplinks connected to Primary and Spare MX to transfer VRRP heartbeats in each VLAN). The direclty connected link would only be 1Gbit which would be a bottleneck if a switch's uplink to primary-active MX goes down ( solvable with a 10G twinax, although extra cost). All switches have manually configured STP bridge priorities (of which none are equal: each switch has unique priority). For some reason the traffic does not flow from nonroot-switch -> MX-Prim (offline) -> Root-switch -> MX-Spare-master. One more diagram- if I disconnect a switch's primary uplink port9 (root port) then port10 goes from ALT-> Root port and the switch regains connectivity to cloud/internet. This does not explain much. I am thinking of powering down the entire Meraki network of switches and MXs and then booting them up. Maybe it will resolve some quirks. I did have switches and MXs firmwares recently upgraded but I believe the firmware upgrade process rebooted each device. Thank you all for input.
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