Excuse me if this is the wrong forum, but I thought your knowledge of mobile devices might be of assistance to our firm. We are currently undergoing a large scale construction project and redoing all the networking as well. I have been working tirelessly with the builders to future-proof our building for new technologies to come! I was hoping that someone would be able to provide information on how much bandwidth is normally needed for one AP for around 200 mobile clients. We need to figure out how many Cat6 cables to run to each site, so I was thinking 3 inch conduits would suffice, but the construction workers have been complaining that this may be overkill, not to mention a bit too wide to handle in the dry wall. They want to use 1.5 inch but I don't think this is adequate for the number of cables that will need to fit in there to handle our high bandwidth. (fiber backhaul) Wish us good luck on this deployment! Comment your opinion below..... any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Lafaunda Latrice Systems Administrator Marco & Associates LLC
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