I should preface this with the fact that I am new to both Python (not coding, I know PowerShell enough to get by), and the Meraki API. I have also tried using Postman, but to no great effect to the same thing. I'm having some issues trying to gather up a list of all our clients that are connected to our network over the past 30 days. I have been trying to get this: https://community.meraki.com/t5/Dashboard-Administration/Meraki-Dashboard-Reporting-How-can-I-get-a-csv-of-All-Clients-on/m-p/40585/highlight/true#M1473 code to work (between "Begin Code" and "End Code" in that post), however I keep running into some Python errors, the latest one that gets the most info yet is this: The odd part is, it gets through most of the organization before this becomes an issue, we have roughly 140 networks to iterate through and I don't even know where to begin trouble shooting this. If there is another easier way, maybe through PowerShell I am all ears.
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