I am pulling from a CSV file email information to create new guest network user. The file reads like this: email name password email@email.com Bob 45646565 However this only works if one line of info is input to the CSV file. If i add additional line items i get an error. Can someone assist? New 🙂 with open('Guest-Test.csv', mode='r') as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') header = next(csv_reader) authorizations = [ { 'ssidNumber': myssidNum, "expiresAt": expiresTS, "authorizedByEmail": 'someemail@email.com'}] emails_list = [] names_list = [] passwords_list = [] for row in csv_reader: emails_list.append(row[0]), names_list.append(row[1]), passwords_list.append(row[2]) # print(emails) email = ''.join(emails_list) name = ''.join(names_list) password = ''.join(passwords_list) createUser = dashboard.networks.createNetworkMerakiAuthUser( network_id, emails, names, passwords, authorizations, accountType='Guest', emailPasswordToUser=False)
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