Hello my Meraki friends, This is probably a noob question. I am trying to programmatically edit a VLAN by using the rest API with Python, however I ran into some troubles. While sending the following json using using requests.put: https://nxxx.meraki.com/api/v0/devices/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX/switchPorts/[portnumber] Name Value Type 'accessPolicyNumber' None NoneType 'allowedVlans' 'all' str 'enabled' True bool 'isolationEnabled' False bool 'linkNegotiation' 'Auto negotiate' str 'macWhitelist' None NoneType 'name' None NoneType 'number' 10 int 'poeEnabled' True bool 'portScheduleId' None NoneType 'rstpEnabled' True bool 'stickyMacWhitelist' None NoneType 'stickyMacWhitelistLimit' 0 int 'stpGuard' 'disabled' str 'tags' None NoneType 'type' 'trunk' str 'udld' 'Alert only' str 'vlan' 2 int 'voiceVlan' None NoneType __len__ 19 int I get the following response: 'errors': ['Cannot set whitelist on a trunk port', 'Invalid MAC whitelist. To disable MAC whitelist, set accessPolicyNumber to null.'] If you take a look at the first entry of the table above, 'accessPolicyNumber' is indeed filled with a NoneType thing, which is the python equivalent to a null character (right?). Setting 'stickyMacWhitelistLimit' to None is also not an option, since it has to be an integer, while strangely enough if i use get, 'stickyMacWhitelistLimit' is filled with a null character. (which was my motivation to put 0 there in the first place, leading to this). API command documentation I used is this. Thanks for your time!
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