We encountered a strange behavior with some Dashboard APIs, which are returning only partial data sets. In the Dashboard API documentation related to security events for example, we have the following: t0: "The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 365 days from today." t1: "The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 365 days after t0" (https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api/#/rest/api-endpoints/security-events/get-network-security-events) We have extended our easy-Meraki app in order to implement these endpoints and add a few dashboards and auto-remediations. Once tested, we had the following results: no problem to retrieve December 2019 events, the responses are accurate compared to the data exposed in the security center; for all other months (prior to December), the calls returned empty lists; with a very large timespan (instead of t0/t1), we retrieved more items but clearly not all the events (of course, we are far below the number of returned events limit). Can someone confirm this behavior or there is an error on our side? If it's a bug, anyone has a workaround to make it works before the fix? Thank you for your feedback.
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