Thanks for the answer, okay so that's quite what I imagined. Build it and they'll come - we're anticipating for holographic calls.. Kidding, we are a very internet hungry company all the infra is in the cloud, and the users are a mix between young who deal with the data in the cloud and others who download compute half local and half on vms so lot of back and forth of data transfers. That with a sales department that is using a voip application that really likes bandwidth to upscale the calls. Base usage is hitting the peak and while we have managed to prioritize the vital traffic and so are not directly seeing package loss, what we are seeing is reduced productivity due to longer download times. And in all honesty the price difference between a 2gig connection and 10 is less than 100 bucks per month the company will not care one bit for saving money, they would however appreciate the faster download speeds. But with this confirmation, I'll indeed look into setting up multiple networks. I was a bit reluctant as, the usage isn't really properly spread,and balancing would be better.
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