In the past 1 week, "Mozilla" is showing as a Top Application by usage, at all our sites. It's using about 3% - 9% of bandwidth overall, spread out across most computers. Network Wide > Clients > Application Details. When drilling down, all clients are accessing Mozilla, as reported by Meraki MX. This is showing under Meraki portal and Meraki Emailed Reports. We do not use any Mozilla product, nor have any product installed. People have no need to go to Firefox, or Thunderbird, etc. According to this page, this is the list of products they provide. Mozilla using 3% - 9% of companywide bandwidth is huge, considering we never use any Mozilla product. I've never seen this before, as I can almost always attribute a reported application to a known service we use. Any advise? Anyone seeing this themselves? I can't figure out if: 1) This is a Meraki mismatch. 2) These are tracking cookies Mozilla embeds into other websites, like a lot of data collectors do nowadays. (i.e. Google, or Facebook cookies). 3) Something else?
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