Thanks for the info. Here are some of the graphs I've screen shot from today... So for the graph below, if the time is relatively concurrent, why am I seeing such high uplink traffic with very little HTTP traffic? Also, we only have a 200 meg fiber internet line, how is it that I can be using more bandwidth than what we are alloted? Also, WAN 2 is our fail over and we are not using it, but I find it interesting that I occasionally see latency and loss on that connection. Here is our Network Usage for today so far... I'm not seeing anywhere near the traffic that I see on the Uplink graph. Does it just average the usage over a certain period of time, potentially lowering the overall usage? It seem like a pretty drastic difference. Here is the Client usage graph for the week... The reason I chose the week view is because it shows peaks of over 600mb/s and with a 200 meg line how am I getting 600 mb/s? I have included a screen shot of the highest usage on the Application Details as well. So to determine if I need to increase my bandwidth and by how much, do I want to mainly look at my Uplink and HTTP graphs, or do I need to take all three into consideration. If the later is the case, how much emphasis do I put on each one, is there some sort of formula or process I should use? As you can tell, I'm not well versed in this stuff and am learning as I go, so any info you can give me would be helpful. Thanks
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