Jammed Channel The dashboard detects a jammed channel by analyzing utilization. If the non-802.11 utilization on one of the client-serving radios is 65% or greater for 1 min, the dashboard will instruct the AP to change to a different channel. The utilization that is analyzed is non-802.11 interference that would be transmitted by a microwave or wireless video camera. Clients that are on the AP during the channel switch will be instructed to move with the AP to a new channel via a channel switch announcement (CSA) which will maintain their connection. Clients that do not hear the CSA over the interference will re-associate with an AP (either the original AP or roam to another one). Reference https://documentation.meraki.com/MR/Monitoring_and_Reporting/Location_Analytics/Meraki_Auto_RF%3A__Wi-Fi_Channel_and_Power_Management
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