@Noah_Salzman Sorry, I spoke too soon because I was excited too. After I read the post that someone's had been fixed, I checked two affected users on my network. I only looked at the top section where it said all profiles were "Up-to-date". When I saw the profile was now up to date, I assumed that meant the error that had been preventing it from pushing was no longer occurring. I then replied that it looked like our end was working. However, as we started to get complaints again today, and took a closer look, it seems that we now have some users whose Mangement sections indicate that their profiles are "Up-to-date", but are still getting a beacon ID error in the event log. I'm not sure if this means that the profiles are incorrectly showing "up to date", or if there are just some people who are still getting a beacon error even though their profiles are up to date. I also wanted to let you know in case it is of any help, that we took a brand new iPad and set it up using one of the affected user's Apple ID/owner info, and it exhibited the same behavior. I have updated my ticket to reflect this information as well.
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