Hi, I'm trying to add to the layer 7 rules via the updateNetworkApplianceFirewallL7FirewallRules api. As I understand it, I cannot just add a new rule, I have to read in the existing rules and then add my rule and send the whole lot back. I've got to the point where I have the existing and new rule as variables and have combined them. When I try to update the rules, I get the error: 400 Bad Request, {'errors': ['The "rules" parameter must be an array of hashes (each representing a firewall rule)']} This is new rules variable I'm trying to send: print (l7fw_rules) {'rules': [{'policy': 'deny', 'type': 'application', 'value': {'id': 'meraki:layer7/application/101', 'name': 'CBS Sports'}}, {'policy': 'deny', 'type': 'application', 'value': {'id': 'meraki:layer7/application/40', 'name': 'ESPN'}}, {'policy': 'deny', 'type': 'application', 'value': {'id': 'meraki:layer7/application/96', 'name': 'foxsports.com'}}]} going round in circles now so any help would be appreciated. Cheers
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