One tech recommended this, the other didn't. I saw others try to go up in firmware with the same issue still happening. I have not tried 29.5.1, but have read the release notes and it doesn't mention fixing this issue specifically, just "general stability and performance improvements". Most say that so I'm not going to roll forward unitl I see more from Meraki. We have a lot of iPads on the network for maintenance staff and I can't adjust the NIC settings on those, and they are mission critical. We first noticed the issue on IOT devices monitoring temp/humidity throughout the plant as well as iPads/tablets getting disconnected randomly. Devices would show disconnected to load balancing in the error logs and the AP's would show the excess frame loss error. It was happening in our plant with a high number of AP's, also mentioned earlier in this thread. It eventually showed up in our smaller plant so AP concentration may/may not be another factor.
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