Did you get it figured out? It's just a POST in whatever language you are using. (I use perl/curl). You POST the data as shown, "0" being the first SSID in your list in the GUI as shown above, "1" being the second etc. POST to the client provisioning api. I use version0 for this, I'm not sure it works in the v1 api. Perl might look something like this: $curlstring = 'curl -H X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key:'.$KEY.' -H Content-Type:application/json -X POST --data-binary "{\\"mac\\":\\"'.$macaddress.'\\",\\"name\\":\\"'.$computername.'\\",\\"devicePolicy\\":\\"Per connection\\",\\"policiesBySsid\\":{\\"0\\":{\\"devicePolicy\\":\\"Blocked\\"},\\"1\\":{\\"devicePolicy\\":\\"Whitelisted\\"}}}" https://api.meraki.com/api/v0/networks/N_12345etc890/clients/provision';
$result = `$curlstring`; But what ever way you post it, just be sure to post it to the wireless network your client is in just as if you are "provisioning" it. Don't know if that helps, or makes it worse 😋 Cheers
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